Our Principles on Quality
We believe in quality best practices that offer many benefits, including lower costs and risks, better, healthier patients. With our focus on the patients, we strive to make a difference with our commitment to quality.
Therefore, we make sure;
• That ongoing quality, safety and effectiveness of medical devices is our main focus.
• That we continuously improve clinical effectiveness and device availability.
• That we reduce total cost of device ownership.
• That we help to uphold staff morale and professionalism for the healthcare providers through positive experience with their patients.
• That we provide the best technical service both for preventive maintenance and repair.
Based on the assurances above, we have established our Quality Policies as follows;
• Innovative thinking is our mandate. Our research and development along with focus on competitiveness, we continuously develop ways of being more productive without any negative impact on quality.
• We fulfill all regulatory and normative requirements.
• We guarantee compliance for our products as per international standards.
• We implement our quality system effectively in every phase of our production to assure complete customer satisfaction.
We make sure that each employee in the organization shares the same mission, vision, and strategy so that our corporate culture can only enhance our products and solution for our customers.